Rugby, a regional traditional
Rugby became an increasingly popular sport in France during the 19th century after it was imported from England, its country of origin.
It was first played in Paris and spread rapidly to other areas across France largely thanks to the fact that it was a team sport proning strong fraternal values.

Stade Bordelais Université Club (Champion de France)
© Archives Bordeaux Métropole, Bordeaux 16 Fi 55
A HISTORY OF RUGBY IN Bordeaux Métropole
Rugby began to catch on in the area in 1893 after the famous Stade Bordelais club organised the South-West region’s first championship.

In 1899, it became the first provincial club to earn the title of French Rugby Champion and remained at the top with an enviable track
record until 1911.

After its merger with the BUC (Bordeaux Université Club) in 1901, it became known as the Stade Bordelais Université Club and played at the highest level for some time. The club’s excellent results sparked a great deal of popular interest in the sport, as the number of fans who flocked to Sainte-Germaine Stadium in Le Bouscat and later to Lescure Stadium (now called Chaban-Delmas Stadium) in Bordeaux showed. This wave of popular support helped to spread the culture of rugby across the South-West region of France and boost local amateur clubs.

After the Second World War, the sport continued to grow in popularity in Bègles at Musart Stadium which was home to the CAB (Club Athlétique Béglais). It owed much of its success to the enthusiasm of two skilful local rugby players – the Moga brothers. In 1949, the CAB won its first national title – the French Cup – when it beat Stade Toulousain in the final at Lescure Stadium.

It was to be the beginning of a long series of victories: in 1969, 1st French Champion title for Bègles which became CA Bègles Bordeaux in 1988 with André Moga as its president.

Twenty-two years later, on 1st June 1991, the CABBG became French champions by winning the Brennus Shield, beating Toulouse in Paris.

The Stade Bordelais Université Club and the Club Athlétique Béglais have both left their mark on the Métropole’s rugby-playing history and there was always a certain amount of rivalry between the clubs. They merged in 2006 to form the Union Stade Bordelais-CA Bordeaux Bégles Gironde, which then became known as the UBB (Union Bordeaux Bègles) in 2008. The club bears the same name today and plays in the Top 14.
THE Bordeaux Métropole
Bordeaux Métropole’s Archives Department is launching an appeal to collect rugby-themed documents from the general public in the Métropole area in order to put together a collection of archives for this popular sport that is so emblematic of our area.
Rugby runs deep here in an area that boasts many amateur and professional clubs, revealing just how devoted people are to the sport.
By entrusting their documents or souvenirs that have been lovingly conserved by clubs, managers, players, volunteers, fans and all the other lovers of rugby, to the Bordeaux Métropole Archives, they will help us to learn more about our heritage of all things rugby.
Photos, drawings, texts, postcards, fliers, newspapers, posters, films, videos, models and goodies – all unique souvenirs that can be passed on to future generations. Everything that is collected will be lovingly preserved and put on display for the general public, free of charge, at the Métropole Archives.

You can either donate or lend your originals for them to be scanned free of charge.
The Bordeaux Métropole Archives staff will help you with any questions you might have and any formalities that need to be dealt with.
- By email :
High resolution pdf and jpg files or videos (mp4, zipped format preferred). - By post : Archives de Bordeaux Métropole,
« La grande collecte Rugby » – Parvis des Archives – 33100 Bordeaux - By hand: appointment only. Please call the collection Department
on 0556102055 to make an appointment.